“so deck the halls with drunken follies”

Hey gang, whiskey here. How are you all doing? I’m not too bad, thanks for asking. Currently, I’m full of gin and pierogies, and listening to the Andrew Jackson Jihad. They have a full length album, one E.P. (“extended play,” for those keeping score) and a split. They all rule. Check them out if you dig that DIY acoustic folk-punk scene. They’re like that but with quirkier lyrics.

So I read Wine’s blog post earlier today and I did some reflecting. I agree with Wine very much. I especially dug the notion that Christmas no longer feels like Christmas. Maybe it was the rain and slush and no snow. But I feel like the holiday season starts so damn early now that we sort of become blind to it, until the week of, when we scramble to get gifts for everyone. Add that to jobs and/or school, and I think the stress and commerical aspects sort of outweigh the “magic” of the season that used to be there as a child. Also, it’s so predictable, at least in my house. I clearly outline what I’d like, what size hoodie I wear, which record I want, what edition book I want, etc., and where to buy them. Hell, we buy that shit online most of the time anyway, which is a sort of double edge sword seeing as I hate HATE malls and that shopping rush. So yeah, gifts are very predictable. I agree with Wine that I look forward to seeing family and friends and relaxing over break…eating at my favorite resturants, going to my favorite hangouts, sleeping in my own bed, etc more than the holiday or season itself. I almost feel as if, as I’ve progressively aged, that New Years is more of the holiday that I look forward to more than Christmas. A Holiday where we dress up, eat up and liquor up, and generally act all swanky and whatnot. Yeah yeah yeah, I know…it’s not really scene. True. But I feel as if it has become more “special,” more of a big deal, less “predictable” and less stressful than Christmas. Plus, it’s harder to be cynical about New Years. Not to say that it’s impossible, trust me. But Christmas is either hit or miss. I do look forward to the upcoming year and all of the possibilities I have now. That kind of introspection is more in synch with New Years than Christmas.

On that note, I’m off to wrap some last minute gifts, finish “Deadeye Dick” (the book gets funnier and funnier!) and perhaps fix myself one last cocktail, something to help me go to sleep. Those damn reindeer hooves on my roof are damn loud, you know.
Merry Christmas, if you celebrate it.



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