“I’m filled with the holiday…spirits!”

Hey gang, whiskey here. I’m listening to The Get Up Kid’s “Something to Write Home About” and drinking a mimosa. How was your Christmas? Get anything awesome? I got some books, Star Wars 4-6 on dvd (nerd alert!), theoretical/eventual burritos (i.e. Chipotle gift card) and some nice white wine…and yes, lots of coal.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hey before I leave tomorrow to go to Oxford, Cincinnati and (maybe) Louisville for a week. I’ll be back late on New Years day. I’ll try to snap many pictures to show you as proof! It’ll be like a vacation within a vacation. Maybe I’ll have my year-end best-of list up sometime before then. That way you can use your holiday gift cards and present money to buy some of the year’s best and most essential records! Until then, cheers


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